Sacred Heart Coffee for a Cause at Grace Presbyterian | WESTCHASE DISTRICT

Sacred Heart Coffee is now part of Grace’s Welcome Center. The public is invited to sit and relax inside for pure coffee enjoyment.

Something brewing in Grace Presbyterian Church has coffee lovers rejoicing. That’s because Sacred Heart Coffee is now open for business inside Grace’s Welcome Center at 10221 Ella Lee Lane.

Open to the public, the café operates Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. Upon entering the Welcome Center, patrons will find a warm ambiance of tables, chairs and sofas that provide a relaxing and inviting place for coffee. Sacred Heart Coffee’s menu features Americano, latte, drip brew, hot chocolate, cappuccino, drinks, teas and mocha with occasional pastries and treats.

From Colombian to Ugandan beans: Sacred Heart Coffee and Grace are roasting a helping brew.

Innovative Partnership Percolates

Brewing upward: Attack Poverty’s Brian Benoit helps people who are struggling and at risk teens learn how to roast, brew and package coffee.

It’s a bit of a surprise to find a coffee bar in a church. Friends of Westchase Director Nancy Bailey says the idea came from a partnership that Grace had with Brian Benoit of Attack Poverty. Benoit and Grace formed the venture as a social enterprise mission wherein they partner to produce premium hand-roasted coffee while providing needed employment, skill development, and connections for those in the Houston community who are under and unemployed.

“Our unique partnership with Sacred Heart Coffee enables us to make Jesus visible right here on campus as well as throughout the city,” said Bailey. “It is such a great mission to have people make amazing coffee while learning new skills that help them get back on track.”

Honing skills: workers at Attack Poverty get coffee packaging ready.

Grace’s vision for the space coupled with Benoit’s expertise were a perfect fit. In Attack Poverty’s Stafford warehouse Benoit trains people who are homeless and teens at risk in roasting, packaging and labeling coffee beans. Beans from Colombia, Uganda, Ethiopia and Uganda are roasted weekly and Benoit says beans from Mexico will be added in the future.

“We are offering a skill set to people who otherwise wouldn’t have this opportunity,” said Benoit. “They can take what they learn here and become a barista at Starbucks or another coffee shop.”

Prices will range from $2-5 for a cup. Sacred Heart Coffee will accept cash or debit/credit cards.

Grace will continue to offer complimentary coffee, water, lemonade, and cookies on Sunday mornings.

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