Recently Installed Street Pole Lights Illuminate Elmside/Woodchase Side Path | WESTCHASE DISTRICT

Concrete spheres promoting creative play line Woodchase Drive in front of Sneed Elementary School.

The now lit pedestrian street pole lights aren’t necessary to see numerous enhancements on Elmside and Woodchase Drives. But having illuminated sidewalks do make an evening stroll more enjoyable. Recent work on the street has resulted in a highly noticeable transformation.

New wider, continuous sidewalks were installed to build the 1.25-mile Elmside/Woodchase Side Path with back-of-curb improvements. Half moon and playful spheres are in place. Loquat Leaf Oak and Crape Myrtle trees fill landscaped beds along the street with variegated flax lily, dwarf oleander and drift rose. A pedestrian-activated traffic signal and mast arm poles were installed at the Richmond/Elmside intersection.

Elmside/Woodchase connects several key destinations (transit, retail, residential, recreational and places of employment). “We wanted to highlight the importance of this corridor by giving it a unique look,” said Irma Sanchez, vice president of projects for Westchase District. “Each block is a little different. The improvements that are underway play on the character of each block.”

To illustrate, Sanchez pointed to the block in front of Sneed Elementary, between Pagewood and Westpark. “Here you will find a colorful street crossing that leads to a ‘whimsical area’ where you will find different colored and size concrete spheres designated to promote creative play, workout stations which promote health, and a patterned sidewalk that ties these two elements together, while also creating art,” said Sanchez.

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