Louann Pereira Joins Westchase District Board of Directors | WESTCHASE DISTRICT

Louann Pereira, a native Houstonian with a zest for real estate and community enrichment, is a valuable addition to the Westchase District Board of Directors. With a Business degree from Texas A&M University under her belt, Pereira ventured into the world of real estate, initially leasing office buildings for various owners before finding her niche at Transwestern in 2012. Today, Transwestern leases nine buildings in Westchase District, totaling more than 2.4 million square feet of office space. That’s more than any other Houston commercial real estate firm.

Active at work and at home

Her journey in commercial real estate has been marked by constant evolution and an unyielding passion for her craft. “I love my job as it is constantly changing – there is always a new challenge and problem to solve,” she enthusiastically shared.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Pereira is a devoted mother of two girls and an avid sports enthusiast. Whether coaching volleyball and basketball or indulging in adventurous activities, she finds joy in an active lifestyle. “I love to play tennis at Westside, work out at Orangetheory Fitness, read, travel and do anything adventurous,” she added.

An advocate for the community

Pereira’s decision to join the Westchase District Board stemmed from her desire to give back to her community while leveraging her expertise in real estate. “This opportunity allows me to combine my passion for commercial real estate while enriching the community that we live and work in,” she explained. She sees the board as a platform to strengthen the District’s brand and initiatives, benefiting both current and prospective clients.

Drawing from her firsthand experience in marketing and branding, Pereira aims to bring a fresh perspective to the board. “I am actively promoting the District to prospective and existing office users on a daily basis,” she noted. Her direct interaction with clients positions her well to advise the board on decisions that foster the growth of the business community within Westchase District.

Reflecting on the District’s evolution, Pereira noted its transition from solely business-focused initiatives to a more comprehensive community impact. “The board has expanded beyond just business initiatives and has increased its impact on the community as a whole,” she observed.

Looking ahead

Excited about the District’s potential, Pereira looks forward to contributing to its transformation into a vibrant destination within Houston. “I think the Westchase District has tremendous potential to become more of a destination for the City of Houston,” she said eagerly. “I envision mixed-use developments and revitalized structures that cater to the evolving needs of the next generation, driving prosperity and growth in the area.”

With Louann Pereira’s vision and dedication, the future of Westchase District looks brighter than ever, promising exciting developments that will benefit the entire community.

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